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Are you going fast enough?

Are you going fast enough?
Members Public

Why do we start, run or work for businesses? For me, it’s about seeing what's possible, but how do you find out what you're capable of?

Simon Haighton-Williams
Simon Haighton-Williams
Change & Risk
All Models are Wrong, but Some Models are Useful. Sometimes.

All Models are Wrong, but Some Models are Useful. Sometimes.
Members Public

Our perception works by creating and interacting with models. They're used a lot in business too, but all models are inherently wrong.

Simon Haighton-Williams
Simon Haighton-Williams
Decision Making
The Safety Delusion and the Perils of Optimisation

The Safety Delusion and the Perils of Optimisation
Members Public

Safety is a goal that often leads to poor choices and inflexibility for organisations and individuals. In reality, safety can be just as dangerous as danger.

Simon Haighton-Williams
Simon Haighton-Williams
Change & Risk